Learn about the Privacy Practices for CFS
Child & Family Services respects the rights and dignity of the client it serves. It strives to protect the legal and ethical rights of all clients.

Privacy & HIPAA Notice
Child & Family Services Inc.’s culture is based on an unwavering belief in integrity and treating our clients and each other with dignity and respect. Protecting your personal health information is very important to us. We want you to have a clear understanding of how we use and safeguard your protected health information.
This Notice of Privacy Practices describes how Child & Family Services Inc. may use and disclose your Protected Health Information (PHI) in order to carry out treatment, payment and health care operations and for other purposes permitted or required by law. It also describes your right to access and control your PHI.
Child & Family Services Inc. is required to abide by the terms of this Notice. However, we may modify the terms of this Notice at any time, and the new notice will be effective for all PHI in our possession at the time of the change, and any received thereafter. Upon request, we will provide you with any revised Notice.
Uses and Disclosures of Health Information
Child & Family Services Inc. uses PHI about you for treatment, payment and operational purposes. We do not generally require authorization to use your PHI for these purposes.* Subject to certain requirements, we may give out health information without your authorization for public health reasons, for auditing purposes, for research studies, to comply with the law, and for emergencies; when needed to lessen a serious and imminent threat to health and safety.
Uses of Information
- Treatment - Child & Family Services Inc. may use and disclose your PHI to assist your health care providers within the agency in your diagnosis and treatment.
- Payment - Child & Family Services Inc. may use and disclose your PHI in order to receive payment for the services you receive. We may use and disclose your PHI to obtain payment from third parties that may be responsible for such costs, such as family members.
- Health Care Operations - Child & Family Services Inc. may use and disclose your PHI to perform health care operations. For example, we may use your PHI for Quality Assurance. We may also use or disclose your PHI without your authorization for several other reasons. (See below)
We will not share any substance use treatment records for the purposes of payment or treatment without your permission.
In addition to the above mentioned uses of your PHI related to treatment, payment and health care operations, Child & Family Services, Inc. may also use your PHI for the following purposes
- Appointment Reminders - We have the right to use and disclose your PHI to contact you and remind you of appointments unless otherwise requested.
- Health Related Benefits and Services - Child & Family Services Inc. may use and disclose PHI to inform you of health related benefits or services that may be of interest to you.
- Release of Information to Family and Friends - Child & Family Services Inc. may, in some circumstances, release your PHI to a friend or family member identified by you, that is helping you pay for your health care, or who assists in taking care of you.
- Disclosures Required by Law - Child & Family Services Inc. will use and disclose your PHI when we are required to do so by federal, state, or local law.
- Other Allowed Disclosures - Working with medical examiner or funeral director, to address workers’ com
- Government Agencies - Notifying appropriate government agencies and authorities regarding the suspected abuse or neglect of a client.
Public Health Risks
In addition to the above described uses and disclosures of your PHI, Child & Family Services, Inc. may also use and disclose your PHI under the following unique circumstances:
Child & Family Services Inc. may disclose your PHI to public health authorities that are authorized by law to collect information for the purpose of:
- Maintaining vital records, such as births and deaths
- Preventing or controlling disease, injury or disability
- Notifying a person regarding potential exposure to a communicable disease
- Notifying a person regarding the potential risk for spreading or contracting a disease or condition
- Reporting reactions to drugs or problems with products or devices
- Notifying individuals if a product or device they may be using has been recalled
Our Responsibilities
- We will let you know promptly if a breach occurs that may have compromised the privacy or security of your information.
- We will not use or share your information other than as described here unless you tell us we can in writing. If you tell us we can, you may change your mind at any time. Let us know in writing if you do.
- We can never share your information unless you give us permission in writing for marketing or fundraising activities.
- We will never sell your personal information.
Your Choices and Rights
- Request confidential communication (to contact you in a specific way; home or office phone or to send mail to a different address).
- Request of copy of your medical records in paper or electronic form (We will provide a copy or summary of your health information usually within 30 days of your request. We may charge a reasonable, cost-based fee)
- Request to make a correction to your mental health information that you think is incorrect or incomplete. (Ask us how to do this) We may say “no” to your request, but we’ll let you know in writing within 60 days.
- Request a restriction of what we use or share of your information. We are not required to agree to your request, and we may say “no” if it would affect your care.
- If you pay for a service out of pocket in full, you can ask us not to share that information for the purpose of payment with your health insurer. We will say “yes” unless the law requires us to share that information.
- Request a list of those with whom we have shared your information.
- Choose someone to act for you if you have given someone medical power of attorney or if someone is your legal guardian.