Outpatient Services (Urgent & Ongoing)
Child & Family’s mental health services provide the foundation for the
agency’s wide range of services for children, adults, couples and families.
Our fully licensed mental health clinics provide therapy, groups, workshops
and assessments for individuals, families, and couples.
We offer psychiatric
evaluations, and medication monitoring by a prescriber. Child & Family, in
cooperation with local school districts, provides clinical school-based
counseling within a school-based setting.
How to Receive Outpatient Services
Interested in receiving Outpatient services? check out the information below to get started today!
We are accepting new clients and no referral is necessary
We welcome walk-in services for your convenience. To locate the nearest service center, click below for a list of our locations. We look forward to assisting you in-person with our range of programs and services.
Phone Call
Feel free to call our dedicated line for service requests. Check the locations below for specific phone numbers. We're here to promptly assist you with information on our various programs and services.
Outpatient Program Information

What is the purpose of the Outpatient program?
Outpatient Services are comprehensive outpatient mental health services that provides support during a challenging time to help individuals cope with the stresses of everyday life, or to provide treatment for addiction and mental health issues

How does the Outpatient program help?
These services are available every day of the week, both in-person at CBHCs (Community Behavioral Health Centers) and via telehealth, with extended hours. Services include:
- Same-day mental health & substance use evaluations
- Assessment, & individualized treatment
- Individual/ family/ group therapy
- Psychiatric medication consultations
- Peer support services
- Medication for addiction treatment (MAT)
- Care coordination / resource connection
- Referrals to treatment and timely follow-up appointments including other agency or community programs/ services

Who makes up the Outpatient program?
Who makes up the Mental Health Clinic (or Behavioral Health Urgent Care Program) ?
A team of Care Navigators, Clinicians, Open Access Support Staff, Psychiatry,
Director of Clinical Services, and Clinical Supervisors.
Our team members are compassionate, sensitive, & trauma informed. You may meet with a
Care Navigator and/or a Clinician.
Outpatient Locations
The Outpatient program is available in the following locations. For more information on any of facilities below, click the Learn More button under the site of your interest

CBHC Plymouth outpatient services in partnership with HPTC
61 Industrial Park Road, Suite 1 Plymouth, MA 02360
Hours: M-F 8a-8p and Sa/Su 9a-5pm

New Bedford
965 Church St, New Bedford MA 02745
MCI: (508) 996-3154
ACCS: (508) 992-0444
YCCS: (508) 984-4175
ASPIRE: (508) 996-8572
Outpatient: (508)996-8572
Fax:(508) 991-8618
Hours: M-F 8a-8p, S/S 9a-5p, Same Day Access: Monday 8am-3pm Tuesday 11am-6pm Wednesday 8am-3pm Thursday 11am-6pm Friday 8am-3pm AMCI/YMCI: 24/7

Fall River
1052 Pleasant Street, Fall River MA 02723
MCI: (508) 996-3154
Outpatient: (508) 676-5708
Fax:(508) 991-8618
Hours: Crisis: 24/7
Core Services: Sat & Sun 9am - 5pm,

Fall River
160 Osborn St, Fall River MA 02724
Information: 508 676 5708
IHT: x5012
Adoption: 774 488 5019
Adoption Journeys: (774)488-5006
Parent Mentor: (774) 488-5007
TM: 508 676 5708 (x5010)
YPS: (508) 676-5708 (x5007)
YPC: (508) 676 5708 (x5001)
Parents as Teachers: (508) 676-5708 (x7007)
CBHC: (508) 676-5708
Fax:(508) 676-1948
Hours: Mon- Fri 8am-8pm